Le Hinton ~ Poet
**All the proceeds from the sale of Le's books go directly to the Lancaster Cleft Palate Clinic. Each copy costs $15. Please make a donation in the amount of the cost of the book(s) directly to the Lancaster Cleft Palate Clinic online at

Status Post Hope
ISBN: 0-9785858-0-1
Le Hinton takes the architecture of poetry and language out on the town. And a good time is had by all. Hinton is quite an entertainer. With a little wit and humour, and a whirl of a waltz and watusi and e.e. cummings, Le trips off into a style that suggests a kind of post-modern surrealism, yet one that is actually neither/nor.
Marty Esworthy author of twenty-six javanese proverbs

Waiting for Brion
ISBN: 1-979294-45-1
Reading Le Hinton's Waiting for Brion is like taking a walk with him. We talk of bitterness but walk on the bright side of the street. He's smart, not showy, and seems to know a lot more than his visceral, precise, spare words & private glimpses allow me to see. And we laugh, quietly, as much at ourselves as at the follies around us; part company a bit less lonely in spit of knowing, " there aren't many epiphanies."
Gene Hosey former poet laureate of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania